Rhinoplasty In Berlin


Unlike a breast augmentation or facelift, nose surgery involves altering the physical shape of a body part which you depend on every day for breathing, not to mention other functions such as sneezing, sleeping comfortably, and overall ear nose and throat health. Given the importance of the nose as an ultimately functional facial structure, it is, therefore, important to approach a rhinoplasty surgeon with extensive experience in this area.

Thankfully, at our own Berlin clinic, Dr. Kamil Akhundov has several years specialist experience both carrying out and supervising complex craniofacial surgery. Based out of Berlin Schöneberg, Dr. Akhundov and our assistant nursing and surgical staff are able to provide leading cosmetic nose surgery solutions which always strive to exceed prior patient expectation


Typically, cosmetic rhinoplasty Surgery will seek to ameliorate malformations associated with the nose tip, bridge, and radix. – The latter being the starting point of the bridge, as measured from the nose tip itself. By manipulating the cartilage which forms the underlying nose structure, the different kinds of nose surgery which we specialize in can make noses themselves appear less pronounced or alternatively, accentuate different features in order to improve a person’s overall profile.


If you are unhappy with the size or shape of your nose, we will invite you to a series of one on one consultations at our Berlin clinic. Here, Dr. Akhundov will gain a full understanding of your surgery expectations, prior to discussing the exact rhinoplasty procedure he will use to make these expectations a reality finally. This being the case, don’t hesitate to contact us directly should you wish to inquire further in regard to either nose surgery, or any other of our leading cosmetic enhancement procedures.

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