Combined breast augmentation (implants + fat transfer)
You don't feel well with your small breasts and are thinking about breast enlargement to look more feminine and attractive and to increase your self-confidence? Then combined breast augmentation using both implants and autologous fat could be the ideal option for you.

Combined Breast Augmentation with Implants and Fat

Breast augmentation with autologous fat and implant: Experience with rapid recovery technique.
The result of the combined breast enlargement is a beautiful, soft, natural looking breast with a full upper pole and an intact pectoral muscle. In addition, not only the shape of the breast is beautified, but also the areas of the body where the liposuction was performed. Since the operation is performed under general anesthesia, you will not feel any pain.
Our experience with this procedure shows that the patients can quickly resume their normal activities after the operation. Since we carry out the combined breast augmentation with the Rapid Recovery technique in our Beauty Clinic in Berlin Mitte, you will have less pain even after the operation. This surgical technique reduces excessive and unnecessary injury to the sensitive nerves and fine vessels within the breasts and chest wall. This also saves you drains and special clothing. You will be back to your daily routine after 1 - 2 days.